Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Online Debates and the Over 65 Crowd

According to a recent story in Online Media Daily, surveys show that as the Presidential debate migrates to the Internet, the group most like to tune in to online debates and discussions with candidates is, surprise, surprise, the over 65 crowd.

Really! Believe it or not, older americans are flocking to the Internet as a tool to provide them with the information they need to make decisions on key issues, such as who should be president. Other groups likely to turn to the net? Middle income ($25 to $50K) wage earners, households without children, people in the South and West and minorities. Wow. I don't know about you, but those stats surprise me. I assumed it would be young, upper middle-class people most in major cities.

While traditional media such as newspapers and magazine are still the number one source of information, it's clear that the people accessing this information on the Internet isn't always who we think it is. For any Association Executive or Staffer who has thought "but our members aren't on the web", I'd encourage you to think again!

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