Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Election Day is Here! Have You Voted Yet?

Today is the big day…Election Day!!  Have you voted yet?  If you have, good job and congratulations!  Hopefully you’re proudly wearing your “I Voted” sticker for everyone to see.

If you haven’t made it to the polls, yet, it’s not too late!  Need to find your polling location?  Want to figure out how to register to vote at the polls and what documentation you need?  Check out your state’s Board of Elections website for all this information and more.  You can also check out CanIVote.org, an awesome site where you can plug in your state and they’ll bring you straight to your state Board of Elections site, so you don’t even have to take the time to run a Google search.

Bottom line, get out to the polls today and make your voice heard!  This is an important midterm, and with Republicans and Democrats fighting hard for control of the Senate, your vote really can make a difference.  In an election that’s still such a toss-up, it’s worth taking the time to stop by the polls on your way home from work today.  So find your polling location, go vote, and tell everyone you know to do the same!

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