Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably seen
the great “is-the-dress-white-and-gold-or-blue-and-black” controversy. Let me
start by saying I have no definitive answer. I, like many of us here in
Washington, DC, am not a scientist. What I find most interesting is the
public’s response to what we all hopefully can agree is not the
most critical question of our time. And what I’ve seen scares me a little.
People are becoming intransigent, immovable, -- one might even say irrational
-- in their opinions. And yet it’s clear that – hey – two people can see the
same thing in different ways.
To paraphrase my colleague Nick Tobenkin (who’s not
particularly concerned about the dress’ color), the fact that everyone has
become so entrenched in their perspective explains a little about our political
process. If we argue so vociferously about a dress, is it any wonder we can’t
come to an agreement about the federal budget or immigration or health care? I
think we should view this experience as evidence that people really do see the
world in fundamentally different ways, both physically and mentally. And
perhaps if we recognize that we can come to understand each other a little
As for me? When I woke up this morning to the barrage of
increasingly angry Facebook posts, I took one look, decided the dress was white
and gold and then wondered what all the broo-ha-ha was about. I saw no inkling
of black and blue. But later today, after all the controversy and drama, I saw
the picture again. It looked black and blue—so much so that I wondered who’d
changed it. I’m going to take that as a sign of an open mind, willing to
consider compromise. Or it could just be old age. But I’m going to stick with
the former.
- Written by Stephanie Vance, Advocacy Guru at Advocacy Associates
- Written by Stephanie Vance, Advocacy Guru at Advocacy Associates