- Relevant, in terms of a connection to the legislator's district as well as the policy issues in which the legislator is interested
- Personalized, with a compelling story about why the issue is important to the person writing
- Specific, i.e., including a very specific action the legislator can take and, of course
- Trustworthy. This is not the place to guess about impacts or make us numbers (yes, I know it feels like legislators make up numbers all the time, but you shouldn't)
To help develop these particularly powerful messages, it's useful to know something about the specific legislators to whom you'll be writing. Take 10 minutes today to do a little research on your relevant legislators and fill out our Legislator Profile Form. That way, when you have to contact them in a panic about, oh, I don't know, a financial bailout bill, you'll have all the information you need at your fingertips!
Happy advocating!
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