Thursday, September 18, 2008

Forming an Advocacy Habit: Leverage the Media!

Leverage can move mountains or, in some cases, even your elected officials! Utilize the leverage of the media to your advantage.
Review this online directory of newspapers as well as this directory of radio stations to find the outlets in your area. Then take a look at the websites of key resources to find the reporters that cover your issue. Build a database and start getting to know these folks by commenting positively on their stories online and showing your expertise. Let them know how what you have to say will benefit their readers.
Media is an important component of any advocacy habit, because it helps get your message across to policy makers in an indirect and often more creditable way ("hey, I read it in the paper so it must be true").
Consider joining my Grassroots and the Media webinar today at 4:00pm Eastern to learn more about how to incorporate the media into any advocacy effort. Anyone on the planet can join one per year for free! After that, you must buy a subscription, which you can learn more about here.
Happy advocating!

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