Thursday, February 07, 2013

It's Spring: Are you Stressed-Out About Your Lobby Day Yet?

Ah Spring -- when our thoughts turn to lobby days. If you're brave enough to arrange one, please do not commit any of the following seven deadly sins of lobby days.  You might be smote – or at least have an unsuccessful event.

Sin #1 -- Non-Constituency: When requesting a meeting, whether with the member or a staff person, the first question you will be asked is "are you from the district or state?" Elected officials and their staff are there to represent a discreet group of people. You absolutely MUST demonstrate your relevance to that discreet group of people or they won't meet with you. Our meeting request letters always include the city of constituent asking for the meeting - and some offices will ask for a full street address just to be sure!  it doesn't have to be a home address – it can be a facility, a work address or really any connection to that legislator’s district.  Many attendees at your event will have connections to a wide variety of offices.  As long as you can demonstrate relevance, you can get in the door.

Sin #2 - Non-Written Requests: OK, I lied. Actually the first thing you will be asked by the usually incredibly young person who answers the phone is "have you sent your request inwriting?" Don't even bother to call before you have either faxed in the request (go to to look up fax numbers) or e-mailed it throughthe Congressperson's website (accessible through and

Sin #3 - Assumption: As Robert Siegel once askedme when I worked at NPR "do you know the etymology of the word"assume?" My response was "who uses a word like'etymology'?" Anyway, if you don't want to make a donkey's behind of yourself, never assume that your faxed or e-mailed request actually got to the office or that the scheduler will just magically get back to you. With hundreds of requests to go through a day, things get lost. Often. Be sure to follow-up (and be very polite - they don't lose things on purpose, they're just overwhelmed).

Sin #4 - Member-itis: Never, ever insist that you will meet only with the member instead of a staff person. First of all, nine times out of ten you won't get a meeting. Members of Congress have unimaginable demands on their time and, believe it or not, you are not the only constituent in town at a given time. If you are offered a meeting with a staff person, that's a good thing! They often have more time to get to know you and your issues. All you'll probably get with the member is a "grip and grin," and the vague feeling that your issues weren't really covered.

Sin #5 - Inflexibility: This is particularly a problem when it's combined with high expectations. Too many groups offer a very small meeting window and then are irritated when staff or members are notavailable in the 
12:00pm to 2:00pm time slot they've designated for meetings. Try to have an entire day available - and ask participants in your lobby day to bring a good book.

Sin #6 - Overzealousness: If you have multiple people coming from one district or state, do everything you can to coordinate before requesting meetings. In too many cases, each individual will request their own meeting. By the fifth meeting on the same topic, the staff are generally pretty cranky. They will thank you for your consideration of their time if you coordinate well.

Sin #7 - Abandonment: Once you've had a meeting in Washington, DC or your state capitol, your advocacy for the year isn't finished. In fact, it's just started. In most cases you will need to work with the office on an ongoing basis to help them truly understand your issues and the impact of certain policy actions on their constituents. After your meeting, don't abandon your elected officials and their staff - embrace them (although not literally. Some of them aren't huggers).

In eschewing these sins you will lead a better,fuller, happier advocacy-related life. Believe me, as the founder of the cult of effective advocacy I've had plenty of experience in this area. Please feel free to send your worldly possessions my way.

***This article was written by Stephanie Vance, The Advocacy Guru. Follow her on Twitter.

Congress is back in session, and so are Lobby Days (and probably stress).  Have no fear. Whether it’s 50, 200, or 1,500 advocates coming to town, Advocacy Associated can coordinate congressional meetings for your advocates. We schedule an average of 99% of your participants’ requested meetings. Better yet, our one-of-a-kind online database allows you to watch in real time as your meetings are scheduled -- and our appallows advocates to download their schedules, check for changes and prepare for the most effective advocacy day meetings ever. Intrigued?  Click here for moreinformation

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